Independent Writers of Chicago
We’ve presented it at libraries across the city and ‘burbs. We’ve staged it at the American Writers Museum and City Hall. We’ve “put on shows” at the Career Transitions Center of Chicago and NextDoor Chicago. All to great acclaim. Yes, “Life in the Freelance Lane: Business Basics for Freelance Writing Success” has been just about everywhere! Everywhere but...IWOC itself? How could we have committed such an egregious oversight! Well we decided to rectify that faux pas. Tout de suite! At the next IWOC meeting (November 12), Jeff Steele, David Steinkraus and yours truly will be comin’ home to IWOC, as it were, showcasing our collective wit and wisdom as we share the secrets with IWOC members and non-members alike on how to make a good-to-great living when Living La Vida Freelance.
It’s going to sound a lot like bragging here, but as someone once said, “It ain’t bragging if it’s true.” So here’s the truth: After every single presentation, attendees have flocked to us three presenters, eager to tell us how inspired they were and couldn’t wait to get started; how they thirsted for the kind of practical, common sense, turnkey information they just heard in the presentation – and could never seem to get in college or out of articles and books. In all immodesty, I have to say, I agree. And for these reasons:
1. Jeff, David and I have all been in the trenches. We speak the unvarnished truth about our experiences, and about freelance in general. The ups and the downs. The successes and the setbacks, learning from each one. And we seriously enjoy sharing those hard-earned, hard-won lessons so you don’t have to reinvent those wheels.
2. The program is filled with common sense pointers that apparently aren’t all that common. When we say things like “Make or beat deadlines” ... or “Treat your client’s business as if it were your own”... or “Even if you’re being interviewed for a gig, it isn’t about you. It’s about your client”’s kind of amazing to see how many “aha” moments those basic axioms elicit. Simple stuff. Yet not put into practice as often as you’d imagine.
And speaking of simple...
3. A lot of freelance “experts” love to scare, and make the whole idea of freelancing sound complex and esoteric.
We are not afraid to “keep it simple.” Because when it comes right down to it, contrary to popular assumptions, there is no real mystery to successful freelancing. As we say in the presentation, “It’s all about reaching out.” That’s the simplicity of it.
Of course, there is a lot more to the presentation than that. But still, containing all very doable, digestible pointers you can make your own and start using immediately.
Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, member of IWOC or friend of, we’d love to see you at the presentation. We’ve found that attendees at all levels are often filled with even more great advice that we presenters learn from as well. And the questions asked at the end are always on just about everybody’s mind. So, on November 12, do join in the fun – ‘cause that’s what it is.
Here’s to Living La Vida Freelance...successfully!
- Laura Stigler
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Copyright 2011–2024, Independent Writers of Chicago 332 S. Michigan Avenue, #121–W686 Chicago, IL 60604-4434