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Stet Blog

Since its inception in the 1980s, the IWOC monthly newsletter, Stet, has featured helpful news, tips, and information for IWOC members and the entire Chicagoland freelance writing community—including previews and recaps of IWOC meetings and events, book and service/software reviews, and advice for developing and sustaining business as an independent writer. As of January 2018, the standard monthly newsletter format has been replaced with the blog format contained on this page, which allows articles to be posted in a more timely fashion. 

Whether or not you're a member of IWOC, we invite your contributions. Our only criteria are writing quality and the usefulness of the information to writers. IWOC reserves the right to gently edit submissions. For information regarding submissions, contact the Stet editor.


Over the years, the Stet delivery format has evolved from snail-mailed paper copy to emailed PDF/HTML file to site-hosted, aggregated blog. Stet issues in PDF/HTML and aggregated-blog format from 2002 to 2017 are available for viewing in our archives.

  • To view PDF/HTML issues of Stet (published from 2002 to 2015), click here.
  • To view Stet in its aggregated-blog format (published from 2016 to 2017), click here.

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  • 29 Sep 2024 12:00 PM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)

    A round of applause please for those who attended our September 10 Writers Roundtable. A success by all accounts! As is our custom, we did not record the meeting out of respect for everyone’s privacy. But that doesn’t mean those who couldn't attend should be kept in the dark. I’d like to share some of the knowledge gained during that hour that may answer some questions on your mind as well. Such as...

    1. How do you find work? This is the $64K perennial question that comes up at all our Roundtables. Here's a sampling of suggestions offered, all worth exploring:

    • LinkedInAccording to Consumers Advocate, LI is one of the top five resources for job recruiters. So how successful is it in matching you up with prospective clients? In talking to IWOC-ers it varies widely. I know of one who, after a few years of not having any luck with LinkedIn, credits it for recently having landed her steadiest, most lucrative client. Conclusion: If you’re not on LI, it’s worth the try. Just make sure your profile is tempting enough to attract clients. There are five LI presentations on IWOC’s Member Resources page offering tons of invaluable tips.
    • Freelance Success (FLX), a membership-based website and publication. Subscribe for a monthly or annual fee and gain access to a treasure trove of resources, job listings, classes and more. IWOC members who belong swear by it.
    • Network wherever. Think you have to attend planned business-oriented events to network? Actually, you can network at a wedding. In a grocery line. In the bleachers at a Bulls game. Wherever you may strike up a friendly conversation with strangers, what you do for a living may come up. Mention you’re a writer and you’d be surprised at the wide-eyed reaction, followed by something like, “Hey, I need a press release done!” or “Do you write websites?” That happened to me when I attended a fundraiser hosted by a real estate company, resulting in several writing projects (press releases, videos) for a dance company! One of my most awe-inspiring clients ever.
    • IWOC’s Job Site Page lists 50+ job sites, ranging from the most popular (Zip Recruiter, indeed, etc.) to numerous ones you may never heard of – but look very promising. Check ‘em out.
    • Cold Calling Karma. Yes, it’s old-school. Yet the human voice can go a long way in making connections in this otherwise email- and social media-obsessed world. But there are rules, such as always starting the convo by succinctly identifying yourself and asking “Do you have a moment?” when a prospective clients picks up the phone. Most miraculously, once you get in the cold-calling groove, a client that wasn’t even on your list may come calling you out of the blue. That’s the karma part. Jim Leman’s guide to “Cold Call Marketing” can be found on our Member Resources Page. The advice is timeless.

    2. What do I charge? Another one of those questions that eternally plague us. How much to charge for a magazine article? A website? A blog? Several suggestions poured forth. Among them:

    • Writers’ Market not only includes a pay rate chart for an extensive list of writing categories, but it is a gold mine of: writing opportunities for writers of nearly every discipline, lists of professional writing organizations, and more. Buy online or peruse at your local library.
    • Search! Ask Google or Duck-Duck Go what a particular writing profession charges. All sorts of info will pop up.
    • Communicate. Negotiate. What to charge may simply depend on who you’re working for. Various magazines will have a set rate for article writing. Ad agencies may have a range of rates they’ll pay copywriters according to their experience. It’s just a matter of communicating and even negotiating, once a client has expressed interest in your services.

    Much more was covered in our session. To those who attended, thank you! And to everyone reading this, feel free to comment below to share advice that has worked for you.

    Till the next round...

    -- Laura Stigler


  • 31 Aug 2024 4:32 PM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)

    Well that went fast! So fast, in fact, that it would behoove us to sit back and reflect on it a bit – just to remind us of what IWOC has been up to in the last year...and what lays ahead. Please join me in first looking into the rearview mirror – just to refresh our memories of the good times that were had by all.

    2023-24 IWOC Programs 

    They did it again...

    Challenging as it may have been – and always is when it comes to mining for programs and speakers that would capture the interest of IWOC members and friends of IWOC, once again the Program Committee of Betsy Storm, Jay Schwarz and Jeff Steele (with contributions from other IWOC-ers) has jam-packed the year serving up the following. Anyone who came and saw, came out wiser businesspeople and savvier self-marketers, loaded with ideas about adding more “value added” aspects to their writing services. 


    • IWOC’S Ever-popular Annual Writers’ Roundtable, where everyone gets their say. (This is the only program notrecorded, so all participants can speak freely.)
    • Meet Special Guest Hedy Weiss: The renowned theater and dance critic pulled back the curtain to reveal the thrills and challenges that come with that enviable job. She also gave us a peek at her career as a professional dancer before she leapt over the footlights and into the audience to become one of the keenest observers of the theater and dance world. 
    • Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Monetize Your Book(s) via Audiobooks:  Audiobooks expert Kevin Theis spelled out the many avenues for writers to turn their current, printed work into easy-to-download audio projects, sometimes at a cost and sometimes not.
    • Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Explained: Friesen Press publishing consultant Christoph Koniczek outlined the ways in which self-publishing differs from traditional publishing, and how the unrestricted nature of the latter path might align better with your publishing needs.
    • AI for Writers: What You Need to Know: Many of the questions plaguing writers about how AI will affect them were answered by prolific book author, journalist, guest lecturer and regular contributor to high-tech magazines, Carol J. Amato – an AI aficionado.
    • Current Legal Issues Concerning Freelance Writers: Presented by attorney Steven Baron of Lawyers for the Creative Arts, Mr. Baron covered such topics as copyright law, plagiarism, attribution and more.
    • Suburban Bigamy author Michael Zimmerman Shares Memoir Secrets: Mr. Zimmerman spoke not only about his heart-wrenching personal story, but offered his take on the best ways to tackle a writing form that is often a challenging, emotional, yet ultimately rewarding journey. 
    • Special meeting: How the USDOL Rule Can Affect You:  Of Lawyers for the Creative Arts, Illinois Super Lawyer Lori Goldstein helped us wrap our heads around the recently enacted “Classification of Independent Contractors and Employees Under the Fair Labor Standards Act," a rule that can affect the way 72+ million Independent Contractors (including writers of all stripes) work and live. And that can impact 45% of the U.S. economy.
    • Video Scriptwriting: Give it a Shot:  Ace video scriptwriter / producer / narrator Greg King entertainingly talked about the how-tos of writing video scripts. He also regaled us with stories of what went on behind the scenes in shooting some of his favorites.
    • LinkedIn Success Secrets: “LinkedIn Whisperer” Mary Wu, treated us with solid, actionable guidance on how to polish your LI profile, enhance your network, and improve the quality of your online interactions.
    • Missed any of the above? No problem. Download the podcasts (except for the Roundtable one) on our Member Resources page to benefit from the info- and advice-packed gems. 

      Got ideas for writing- or business-related programs? Contact the Program Committee. We welcome them all! 

      2023-24 IWOC Parties

      Keep a bunch of freelance writers cooped up in their lairs all year and when given the chance, they come out to play in full force. As is our tradition, last year we gave everyone three chances to let loose and party like it’s – well, 2023. At December’s Holiday Party, we let it all hang out at hands-down fave Star of Siam. For our perennial August Greektown bacchanal, we opa’d at scenic Athena. And to welcome the Spring Equinox, we dove into delectable appies, BBQ ribs, chicken and veggie kabobs at the Weber Grill. Fab-u-licious.

      Events of Interest

      IWOC wasn’t the only one who put on must-see programs. We also passed the word to IWOC members about these world class events:

    • American Writers Festival at the American Writers Museum and Harold Washington Library Center
    • Chicago Freelance Business Workshop presented by the Institute for Independent Journalists
    • 2023 Writer’s Workshop hosted by IWPA’s (Illinois Woman’s Press Association)
    • 6th Annual StoryStudio Writers Festival
    • Television writer/producer Patty Lin discussed her book, “End Credits: How I Broke Up with Hollywood” at the American Writers Museum
    • Share Your Story on Jacqui Just Chatters podcasts, offered several times throughout the year
    • Award winning writer Mark S. King and community leaders representing Chicago’s HIV and LGBTQIA+ communities read passages from Mark’s recently published book, My Fabulous Disease: Chronicles of a Gay Survivor and shared personal reflections. 

    • Promoting our members

      We’re always telling members to come blow your horn. Or we’ll blow it for them. And so we did...

    • Two States of Single: Essays on Family, Love and Living Solo, a 2020 book by IWOC member Julie A. Jacob, was accorded a glowing assessment by reviewer Victoria Lynn Smith. 
    • Heather Kenny landed the plum assignment of writing a monthly column about style for The Midst, a new online publication for women in their 40s and 50s. Fun reading that's really relatable.
    • And as we do every year, IWOC participated in the 2023 Printers Row LitFest, displaying and selling our author members’ books at our table while talking to thousands of passers-by on the virtues of IWOC and how we help freelance writers succeed in their careers. (Volunteer to help staff the table and join the fun at this year’s LitFest on the weekend of September 7 & 8. Contact organizer Joseph Wycoff.)

    Reflections on the future

    While it was indeed an excellent year and IWOC has had a wonderful 40+ year run, it’s no secret that the times they are a-changing. Due to the many factors that I covered in last month’s President’s Post, IWOC will begin the complex process of merging* with the Writers & Publishers Network / Independent Writers of Southern California coalition. But we’re not going away any time real soon. Until that merger is complete – which could take around 9 months, we’ll still be planning programs and parties to educate and entertain all our members and subscribers, starting with our September 10 ever-popular Writers' Roundtable. Hope to see you there!

    Don’t forget: On September 10, we’ll be holding elections on the 2024-25 Board of Directors slate AND a membership vote on the merger. Mark it down and please attend!

    -- Laura Stigler

  • 04 Aug 2024 10:22 AM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)

    Judging from last month’s President’s Post, this current one could have been funereal in its announcement. In that July post I called upon members to nominate people (including themselves) who they felt qualified to serve as IWOC President or on the Board of Directors. I also called for volunteers who could lend their talents and skills to serve on any of our committees. I warned that having these positions remain unfilled will sound the death knell for IWOC. To ensure everyone “got the message,” I repeated that entire Post in a follow-up eblast to members. The response: Crickets. 

    Time to face reality: IWOC simply can’t continue to 

    exist if there’s no one managing and minding the store. Most of our officers, directors and committee volunteers have each been serving continuously for the best part of a decade. We are all, quite frankly, spent. Fresh blood is needed. None is pouring forth. 

    Piling onto that, consider this: 

    • Our membership is declining (we’ll gain one member, lose two); 
    • Younger people are flocking to online writer groups;
    • Our Writers Line Job Board is on life support; 
    • Clients seeking to hire freelance writers are looking to our competition: LinkedIn, Fiverr, etc. Or they’re “hiring” AI. This all hurts on a personal level, because I’ve always promoted IWOC with the idea that I owe my career to this organization. It’s true. For over 3 decades, that is how the majority of my clients found me. Lately? Not so much. I could be wrong, but I’m considering myself a bellwether.
    • Attendance at in-person meetings averages 15 people, half of which are usually Board members. (You may ask, “Why not Zoom?” We get pushback when it’s suggested, as most people stress the importance of face-to-face interaction.) 
    • When I sent out a simple 2-question survey in April asking how much work members have gotten through IWOC and how many have listened to the podcasts in the past two years, only 15% of the membership responded. Of those, most indicated they had not gotten work nor listened to the podcasts.

    Not exactly signs of an organization on the upswing. So what do we do now? Wind IWOC down and allow it to go gently into that good night? How very sad!

    But here comes the Good News...

    Serendipitously, IWOC was recently invited to join a larger, dynamic organization with similar goals to our own. Here's the skinny:

    This past March, Gary Young, president of our sister organization, Independent Writers of Southern California (IWOSC), contacted me. He explained that IWOSC had been in a situation much like ours: a few people (primarily Gary and vice president Steve Sanchez) doing all the work for several years, with no one to whom they could pass the baton. He then said that last year IWOSC was invited to merge with Writers and Publishers Network (WPN), while keeping IWOSC’s own identity. The IWOSC merger was made official in March and WPN’s logo reflects that. 

    After singing the praises of how the merger is now serving IWOSC members, Gary mentioned how he and WPN’s president Kathleen Kaiser discussed possibly bringing IWOC on board. They both were excited about the prospect of how IWOC, with its mission of catering to freelance writers, could add to the WPN/IWOSC coalition and in turn, how the coalition could serve IWOC’s members. It would be a During our conversation, Gary put the suggestion to me that IWOC consider joining the consortium.

    I presented the idea to the IWOC Board of Directors and the Board recommended we explore the possibility of such a merger.

    The good news: IWOC can survive! Not in the manner to which we’re accustomed. No doubt there would be changes. But members would be served in more ways than they could if we were to continue in our present state. The board directed a committee of myself, our vice president George Becht, and our Treasurer Brent Brotine to meet with WPN/IWOSC to discuss the merger possibility. The three of us met with Young, Kaiser and other WPN Directors. 

    In two separate but lengthy Zoom meetings, we aired our questions, concerns, and opinions, discussing all the details of what a merger would involve. To the best of my ability, I’ve summed it up in the following paragraphs.

    Now consider all this:

    • First, who is WPN? They are a non-profit organization whose mission is “to provide education, information, resources and a supportive networking environment” for small business owners interested in the publishing process and for creative individuals, whether they are authors, freelance writers, or artists. Based in California, they are international in scope. Combined with IWOSC, they are 600+ members strong, with a contact list of 8,000+. WPN’s committees are staffed with volunteers who are extremely active and proactive, whether it involves programming, social media, PR, and more. Their newsletter is chockful of information and kept vibrant with columns contributed by different members. Plus, they are able to attract industrious volunteers to do all the administrative work it takes to keep an organization flowing.
    • So what does that mean for us Chicago writers/freelancersFor one thing, it means access across the calendar year to a wide variety of programs, webinars, seminars and networking opportunities mostly held on Zoom and that cover an equally impressive variety of topics. All presented by top speakers hailing from around the globe. 
    • The benefits are a two-way street. WPN/IWOSC has largely catered to authors and publishers. But many of their members are freelance writers, and that’s where IWOC comes in. What IWOC will bring to the party is the whole freelance aspect, where we will share the assets that have enabled us to live up to our two-pronged mission: 1) To help writers succeed in the arena of freelance writing and 2) To be a go-to resource for clients in search of skilled, professional writers. Those assets exist on IWOC’s website, essentially all of which will be migrated into what will eventually be the WPN/IWOSC/IWOC website. Such as:

    o    Most importantly, our Online Directory. All our members’ profiles, specialties, etc. will be listed on the merged website. It will also include WPN’s and IWOSC’s freelance members. And because WPN has such a wide reach, with exposure across the nation and world, the potential for job opportunities for all members can grow exponentially. 

    o    All of IWOC’s meeting podcasts will be migrated, so you’ll still have access to those.

    o    All of IWOC’s Stet newsletters will be migrated, including all archived issues.
    o   Other than anything redundant or outdated, all handouts, links and resources (contract templates, surveys, etc.) will be migrated.
    • “What happens to IWOC’s website?” It will still exist, but when visited, will point to what will be the WPN/IWOSC/IWOC site, which will feature a “Chicago Chapter” tab. 
    • "Does all this mean IWOC’ers will never meet in person? No meetings? No (gasp!) parties?” Well my friends, that will depend on – yup – whoever volunteers to arrange those right here in the Windy City. I will be stepping down from my IWOC presidency, but I am considering being on a Program Committee. Care to join me? The good news is, all the administrative work that goes along with planning programs will be taken care of by WPN’s various committees.
    • What happens to the IWOC fee you’ve already paid? That would transfer over to WPN/IWOSC/IWOC. When it comes time to renew your membership, you’ll pay $65 for renewals. 
    • What about a WPN/IWOSC/IWOC logo? It’s a work in progress. For now, WPN has incorporated IWOSC into their logo. IWOC will be included when we join the coalition and other logo designs will be explored.
    • When will the transition take place? It’s a complex process. Tons of details. It took IWOSC approximately 9 months to complete, and areas are still being worked out. Fortunately much has been learned in carrying out IWOSC’s transition which will help ours move along more smoothly and perhaps in a shorter period of time. Even so, expect about the same time for our transition to be complete.
    • In the meantime and throughout the transition, IWOC will continue business as usual with programs, parties, etc. In the upcoming Annual Meeting on September 10, membership will vote on the new slate for the 2024-25 Board of Directors. For continuity’s sake, I will remain acting as President until the merge is complete, at which point I will be stepping down and all presidential duties will be handled by WPN President Kathleen Kaiser.  
    • Should we merge, will we still have a presence at Printers Row Lit Fests in the future?  Yes! But under the WPN/IWOSC/IWOC banner. Kathleen Kaiser is particularly excited about personally flying in and partaking in that.

    No doubt you have questions, concerns and opinions. To address all of them, we will be holding a Zoom meeting for members on Tuesday, August 20 at 6:30pm. Stay tuned for details and the Zoom invitation to register. 

    On July 31, IWOC’s Board of Directors voted to proceed with the merge. Now it’s your turn to vote.

    Before our program (“Writers Roundtable”) begins on September 10, and in addition to voting on the Board of Directors slate, we will be putting the merge up for a vote by the membership. We urge you to attend. If you cannot, you can vote by proxy, vesting in me the power to deliver your vote. Proxy emails will be sent to all members. 

    What will happen if the members vote against the merge? We may make a last ditch effort to call for volunteers to populate the various committees and for people to fill the roles of IWOC president and other officers. If we get the same kind of response we did the first time around, then we will begin measures to dissolve the organization. All our resources -- podcasts, profiles and more -- will vanish into the sunset.

    I know this news may come as somewhat of a shock to many of you. I, too, feel it would have been optimal for IWOC to continue on and thrive as it did in its storied past. But times have changed. IWOC has changed. And considering the alternative – going belly up altogether, the Board has come to the decision that this is the most fruitful way to keep IWOC alive, maintain and expand its resources, and serve its members to an even more fulfilling degree.

    Thank you for reading this far. I hope you’re as excited as we are about this new lifeline presented to IWOC. From what I gathered in the talks we’ve held with WPN and IWOSC, you’ve every reason to be.

    Look for the Zoom Q&A meeting invitation. And plan to be involved in IWOC’s Future.

    -- Laura Stigler


  • 01 Jul 2024 11:57 AM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)

    ‘Tis the season again, when we start to assess the past year and begin to make plans for the next. While it’s always a time to toot our horn for what we’ve accomplished in the interest of our members during the previous 12 months, we also have to indulge in a bit of self-reflection as we look forward. Regarding the latter, this year is quite different.

    Because in a departure from the last eight years, I’ve made the difficult decision to not run for president of IWOC. I say “difficult” because it means that, in addition to recruiting new Board members, we also have to recruit someone who is willing to stand at the helm and lead IWOC into the future. 

    As I’ve stated in many previous Stet posts, volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. Without them, there is no IWOC! Fortunately, there has always been a pool of people who’ve eagerly filled those shoes on the Board of Directors and on our Committees. But when it comes to being president? The pool gets pretty shallow. Understandably so, since it sounds like such an onerous responsibility. But throughout the years, there has consistently been someone who grabbed the baton and served valiantly. 

    When I first was recruited in 2016 – or I should say, was pleaded with to fill the position, I begrudgingly accepted. But once into it, I embraced it and have actually come to love it. What I’ve learned about myself, IWOC, and so many of my fellow IWOC-ers who became friends, turned out to be a rich and positive experience beyond what I ever imagined. But the official term for serving as president is only one year. I’ve served 8. So there does come a time when you have to say, “Enough.” It’s not fair to me, but especially not to IWOC. IWOC deserves someone new. Someone with fresh ideas and a vision that could keep us going and growing strong. Without someone taking the reins, could IWOC continue?

    IWOC has been a beloved organization since its founding in 1981. A community where writers consider IWOC a welcoming home, a place that could not only benefit their careers, but where they could find common ground with fellow freelancers with whom they could get together to network, laugh and talk– not just about writing. But about practically anything. To see all that vanish would be something to mourn.

    So my question to you is, would you be the one to step up as president? Please consider it. I will be there at every step to ensure a smooth transition. Those on the Board and Committees will also help and support. If you’ve any questions at all, please contact me and we can discuss. And if not as president, consider running for the Board of Directors -- it’s not time-consuming (we Zoom for one hour, once a month) --  or serving on a Committee, be it Membership, Program, Public Relations, Social Media, IWOC’s Stet newsletter.  

    Or is there someone you’d like to nominate for any of the above whose ideas, energy, and all-around get-along personality you believe would serve IWOC well? Please submit names to the Nominating Committee --  George BechtJay Schwartz or me  by July 19. Members will vote on the final slate at our in-person September 10 Annual Meeting.

    There have been many factors that can and have threatened the existence of IWOC. Competition from writer groups that solely meet online; a social media zeitgeist that has diminished the desire to join groups and meet in person; the profusion of online networking and job sites. But we’ve managed to remain standing. Heck, we survived COVID! It would be an absolute shame to see IWOC dissolve, simply for the lack of a president and volunteers. Other venerable writer institutions have gone under because of that very reason. Let that not be the case with IWOC. 

    As we stand at a crossroads, let’s take the road to survival.

    Volunteer. Nominate. Thank you.

    -- Laura Stigler

  • 01 Jun 2024 11:18 AM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)

    Since IWOC’s inception, coming up with programs for our monthly meetings has always been a challenge. Yet without exception, every month since 1981, our Program Committees have come through. Being that we’re based in the world class city of Chicago, we’ve never had a problem finding speakers for those programs. And thanks to Zoom, we now invite speakers from the world over. 

    But there is a treasure trove of talent that we also mine, and it happens to be right here within IWOC. With a membership spanning 60+ areas of expertise, over the years we’ve been able to entice numerous members to speak about their particular field – how they got into it, what it entails – and how to succeed at it. 

    Cases in point:

    At our June 11 meeting, video scriptwriter/producer/narrator Greg King will be giving his up-close and personal views on – yes, writing scripts for video. Which takes more than an ability to write well. It takes visualization, imagination, and organizational skills. To name a few. Come to that meeting and it may open up a few ideas on how to expand your revenue stream.

    In the past, Jeff Steele talked about the in-demand specialty called “Convention Writing.” Chicago is one of the world’s most sought-after Convention towns, where there’s always a big need for fast-thinking writers with reportage-like skills, and the ability to meet tight deadlines. “Piece o’ cake” for writers like Jeff. You wanna piece of that? Hear how to get it on the recording listed on our Member Resources page

    We’ve also held a program on travel writing, where current members Kathryn Occhipinti and Cindy Bertram, along with longtime IWOC friend Pamela Dittmer McKuen respectively spoke about their trips to Italy, cruises on the high seas and fascinating places of interest nationwide. Listen to them exchange stories and discuss how to nab those coveted travel writing gigs.

    And what can be more intriguing than writing about people’s lives? That’s what IWOC member Betsy Storm spoke about – and she should know, having interviewed 50 prominent Chicagoans for her inspiring book, Bright Lights of the Second City. Joined by the aforementioned Ms. McKuen, Mr. Steel and ghostwriter Danielle Perlin-Good, you can listen to the lively discussion covering how to excel at the discipline – and make money to boot!

    That’s just a taste of the kind of programs that have been presented by IWOC’s very own in the last few years alone. So why bring this up? For one thing, it gives us a sense of pride to belong to an organization filled with such an array of talents. It’s also to convey our members’ high caliber of professionalism to potential members, all our contacts and clients seeking writers.

    Say! If you’re an IWOC member (and even if you’re not), do consider being a Guest Speaker! Come share how you got into your field and what it takes to make a go of it. Not only will we all benefit from your knowledge, but you’ll benefit from the free publicity that’s disseminated to 130+ media outlets, all our social platforms and 1000+ contacts. You’ll also be treated to a post-program dinner as a thank you, compliments of IWOC. 

    Interested? Simply contact our Program Committee and we'll get right back to you.

    Do it and we’ll all be in for a real treat – so to speak.

    -- Laura Stigler

  • 30 Apr 2024 10:55 PM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)

    Sometimes a work assignment makes you reflect, and causes you to consider the bigger picture. Nature, people, animals, the food supply, the earth.

    While working on a produce packaging assignment, I was asked to inquire about sustainability efforts. The companies that create fruit and vegetable packaging told me they’re using less plastic, or recycled plastic, or recyclable-friendly plastic. This is being driven by consumer/retailer demand and current/future environmental regulations.

    As I conducted further research, I found myself overwhelmed by facts about plastics. Soon I was in the territory of Chicago Daily News columnist Sydney J. Harris, who wrote an occasional feature called, “Things I Learned En Route to Looking Up Other Things.” 

    In the spirit of that recurring Sydney J. Harris column, here is what I learned:

    • 430 million tons of plastic are produced each year. 
    • One-third of it is single-use plastic.
    • Of the plastic that is produced, 9% is recycled, 19% is incinerated, and 72% is in landfills or the environment.
    • In the U.S., about 5% of plastic is recycled (partly due to infrastructure challenges).
    • Plastic that is not reused or recycled, breaks apart to form microplastics. 
    • Microplastics are plastic pieces less than 5 mm long - about the size of a pencil eraser.
    • Microplastics make their way into our fish, meat, tofu, fruit, vegetables, and get into our drinking water, blood and organs.
    • 22 million pounds of plastic debris enter the Great Lakes each year. 
    • Humans consume a credit card-sized amount of tiny plastics each week

    On April 20, Earth Day, I realized it’s time to make personal changes. After all, this year’s theme is “Planet vs. Plastics,” and the goal is a 60% reduction in production of all plastics by 2040. While I don’t produce plastics, I do consume them. Why not consume less?

    So I’m now buying peanut butter and salad dressing in glass jars (not plastic). I’m mixing frozen orange juice with water in a glass pitcher, like my mother once did. I’ll make my own iced tea (rather than buy huge plastic bottles of it), and switch to cat litter in cardboard containers (rather than big green plastic jugs). And although I long for berries in the green pulp cartons from my childhood, those plastic clamshells seem ubiquitous (except at summer farmers markets). 

    This writing assignment definitely made me think about our planet. While I don’t plan to revert to “Little House on the Prairie” living, I’ll aim to buy paper, cardboard or glass packages — instead of plastic. Thanks to the facts I discovered, I am inspired to do so. #

    -- Sarah Klose

    Further reading:

    MIT Technology Review, October 12, 2023. “Think that your plastic is being recycled? Think again.”

    Chicago Tribune, April 28, 2024. “86% of Great Lakes litter is plastic, a 20-year study shows. And the plastic is 'just getting smaller and smaller.’“ (need subscription to read article)

    Earth Day website

  • 30 Apr 2024 10:12 PM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)

    Sometimes little accidents can be inspirational enough to write about, turning what was sadly unfortunate into something fortuitous. As what has happened to me. If it didn’t happen, I never would have written the following story, which ended up winning an essay contest and was published in the 2023 “Play”-themed anthology produced by the TallGrass Writers Guild. I’m sharing it here to serve as inspiration to you. And prove that while it may not be immediately apparent, oftentimes sad little accidents can have happy endings. Simply by putting pen to paper...


    My piano bench died today. Yup. Just like that. Came crashing down when our pear-shaped piano tuner was doing his thing, scooching back and forth from one end of the bench to the other, diligently twisting the strings of the 60-year-old keys until they were precisely in tune. 

    How did it come to this? Why? Why? I blame myself. Why couldn’t I have left well enough alone?

    The piano hadn’t been tuned since God-knows-when. I was fine with that! But the other night, after not having touched the instrument for several months, I spontaneously decided to noodle around with the melody of a song I was working on. Upon striking the first few keys, I recoiled at the sound. It was wavering. Tinny. Like the far-off strains of a piano in an abandoned ballroom, circa 1944. I could see it all now: The ghosts of soldiers and sweethearts, perhaps their last time together, slow dancing to Irving Berlin’s “When I’m alone...with o...nly dreams...of you...that won’t...come true... what’ll I do?...”  

    “Oh gosh, I really need to call the piano tuner,” I said to my husband. But of course, as with most everything else on my to-do list, I forgot to do it. Lo and behold, the very next day the tuner called. OMG! I couldn’t get over the coincidence. Providence. He left an ominous voice message, “Hey, Laura, the last time I tuned your piano was in 2017! You know, letting it go on that long is very dangerous. It starts to turn into...a project.”

    Not liking the sound of that, I couldn’t make an appointment fast enough. We set it for today. And it was while I was preparing his tea to the soundtrack of the unrelenting, headache-inducing pounding of keys (BONK. BONK. BA-BONK-BONK. BONK.) that I heard the crash. Followed by...silence. Mind racing, not knowing what disaster I was going to encounter – collapsed shelves of cherished family pictures? My one-of-a-kind ceramic rooster lamp, shattered? -- I rushed into the living room to discover the tuner, sitting bewilderedly on the floor, surrounded by rubble, rubbing his wrist. I worried. For many reasons. Were those stars circling over his head...or dollar signs? I screamed, “Are you ok? Are you ok?” “Yeahhh, yeahhh. My wrist feels a little sprained though,” he softly whined. Having once fractured my own wrist, I knew he would have found it intolerable to move his, were it broken. What a relief. If anything, now we could sue him.

    No longer having to put a call into 9-1-1, it was time to assess the situation. Like a bad accident, it was hard to look. But look, I did. My heart sunk. There was the piano bench, contorted. Lopsided. Two of its legs had jettisoned across the room in opposite directions, like the legs of the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz after having the stuffing beat out of him. Except instead of hay, jagged shards of dried wood jutted out from the “hips,” where they once joined with the seat of the bench. No orthopedic surgeon in the world could have salvaged this sad mess. Prognosis: Hopeless. The poor bench lay there. Helpless. Unable to right itself, as if crying out “Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”

    But the last straw – as it were –  was seeing all of the bench’s contents spilling forth --  everything that was kept safely in its possession since the day I started learning to play. The workbooks of scales and exercises, notated in my 2nd-grade handwriting. The sheet music. The music books. Anthology books: Great Songs of the ‘60’s...Great Songs of the 70’s. It all came tumbling out. And with it, the memories.

    My sweet bench. The one I first sat on when my parents surprised me with the piano, a Hobart M. Cable spinet bought at Marshall Field’s. It took my breath away. The maple wood, waxed and glowing. The keys, all shiny in their stark black and whites, like a reception line of gentlemen dressed in sharp tuxedos. And the fragrance of that wood! As intoxicating as the smell of a genuine leather handbag. Or a new car. My parents were glowing, too, just seeing how happy this all made me. No longer will I have to practice on a cardboard keyboard. 

    The bench... 

    The one I sat on in the summer, dining room windows flung wide open so our Swedish neighbors could hear my rendition of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Younger than Springtime” – my mom egging me on to play it again...and again...and again, because, she said, she loved the tune so much. Her sneaky way of getting me to practice and perfect it.

    The one I sat on when I played a haunting little waltz called “Airy Fairies” – my dad’s favorite tune. One that he’d always request out of the blue. “Play ‘Airy Fairies’, will ya, Laur?” “OK, Dad.”

    The bench. The one my older brother sat on, reluctantly banging out “Anchors Aweigh” with no feeling whatsoever. He’d rip through it so he could dart off to play more favored games. Work on his model airplanes. Or pour over his latest issue of Mad Magazine. He hated to practice. And hated when I practiced, sometimes giving the upper keys a few indiscriminate, spiteful bangs as he passed by. I’d pretend not to notice, figuring I’ll get my revenge later.

    The bench. Where my little sister sat, dutifully playing before our mild-mannered Austrian piano teacher, Mr. Witz, who sat slumped in a dining room chair next to her, nodding – not to the tempo, but to sleep. Such was the soporific effect of having just consumed the Saturday night lox-and-bagel snack my mom would serve him as he taught. Mrs. Witz, wearing not a stitch of makeup but who did manage to balance a faded auburn beehive atop her head, would sometimes show up with Mr. Witz. He must have told her about the lox and bagels. Mom would kindly serve her, too, as my sister played on, mistakes going unnoticed.

    This was the bench where my first boyfriend sat – the one who loved me, but whose heart I so sadly broke. I regret the way I did it to this day. My Grandma described him as a “lang loksh” – Yiddish translation: a long noodle. He was very tall. He’d entertain our family, playing bouncy ragtime tunes, his wingspan extending beyond the width of the piano as the sleeves of his yellow 70’s-style shirt billowed to the beat. Of course my Grandma and Aunt kept nudging each other in an effort to stifle their laughs, seeing the whole image as comical. Like a cartoon in the New Yorker.

    It was the bench where my best friend in college and I once sat as she gave me words of advice when I was distraught about being judged by a couple of snobs in my theater group. “What makes you think you can’t judge them?” It completely changed my point of view.

    And it was the very bench upon which I sat and learned “Tico-Tico” and Bach’s “Solfeggietto” – two incredibly intricate pieces. Yet after much practice, I somehow got through them, and even played them well enough to sound like I knew what I was doing. Although I’m quite sure Van Clybourn would have winced. I played the piano. But I was no pianist.

    The bench. The one that would migrate with my husband and me as we’d move from apartment to condo to condo to condo, always serving as extra seating around the dining room table whenever our big, beautiful family would come to visit. Back when everyone was alive.

    The bench that, for decades, sat empty in front of an inexplicably silent piano until 2010, when I started to write songs, opening a whole new dimension to our marriage. After so many years of neglect, the bench was still there, holding no grudges, welcoming me back as I notated my melodies and tested them out. The long absence from the piano necessitated the tuner, who returned every year since.

    And now this.

    Oh, my little piano bench, how I miss you so. 

    But at least I still have the piano.

    -- Laura Stigler

  • 03 Apr 2024 12:43 PM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)

     If you’re unfamiliar with the following topic, please go to the links at the end of this article for background. But to bring you up to present time, as of March 11 the U.S. Department of Labor’s (USDOL) “Classification of Employees and Independent Contractors Under the Fair Labor Standards Act” has been launched. So now what? Do we have to accept it and, should the need arise, go into Plan B in plotting how we freelancers can continue earning a living? Or is there the possibility that this controversial ruling will eventually be voted down...and out?

    Some Good News nuggets

    I’m no fan of living in a litigious society, but in this case, it is well warranted. Lawsuits against the USDOL are mounting, including challenges by the four co-founders of Fight for Freelancers USA, trade groups, a transportation group, a trucking company and most recently, the country’s largest business lobby, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. No doubt, there will be more rolling in. By targeting what amounts to 72+ million Independent Contractors, this is an intrusive rule that could take down 45% of the U.S. economy. Clearly the movers, shakers and backbones that make up working America are not standing for it.

    It’s heartening to know that the Congressional Review Act (CRA) (sponsored by U.S. Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA) and Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA)) to stop the USDOL’s Classification Regulation has just passed the House committee and is poised for a vote. The Senate has yet to move on it. This is why it is so important to contact your U.S. Representatives and Senators. As Editor Lila Stromer advises in the most recent issue of Freelancer Dispatch

    • Ask your U.S. Representative to vote yea on H.J. Res. 116.
    • Ask your U.S. Senators to vote yea on S.J. Res. 63.
    • Lila’s sample elevator speech: “I’m a [fill in type of freelancer] and have been a freelancer for years. I’m [for example: a senior, parent of young children, caretaker to parents, have health issues, live in a rural area, etc.] This is why I choose to be a freelancer and not a W2 employee.” Then go into your ask (voting yea on the appropriate Senate or House bill).

    They’re actually listening. From Freelancer Dispatch: “Staffers from more than 30 members of the House’s New Democrat Coalition (NDC) met with and listened to five freelancers on this regulation. The coalition is composed of House Democrats, making the House’s bill potentially bipartisan if/when it goes to President Biden’s desk.” Check out the NDC link to see if your reps are members. If so (and even if not), contact them and make your case, as suggested in the aforementioned elevator speech. 


    In sum, even though the USDOL rule appears to be a done deal, the pushback is gaining momentum. In the meantime, if you’ve any questions as to how the rule may affect you and your business, please try to attend a special Zoom meeting on Tuesday, April 16, where Employment Attorney Lori Goldstein will be speaking, informing and answering your concerns.

    I truly hope to see you there.

    -- Laura Stigler

    Relevant links: 

    Fight for Freelancers USA

    Everything You Need to Know about the USDOL Independent Contractor Rule

    "Are We About to Lose Our Independence?" March Stet President's Post

    To subscribe to the Freelancer Dispatch newsletter, please email Lila Stromer

  • 27 Feb 2024 3:42 PM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)

    After enjoying a successful career as a freelance writer for over 30 years, could I wake up and suddenly find my clients gone without a trace? Naw! Not in an America where Independent Contractors (ICs) have been freely choosing how they work and live ever since the Declaration of Independence was penned. 

    Yet the nightmare of finding our way of life ripped out from under us is about to become a reality. On March 11, the US Department of Labor (USDOL) is launching the  “Classification of Employees and Independent Contractors Under the Fair Labor Standards Act.” 

    That regulation is modeled after California’s AB5 law, passed in 2019. As a result of AB5’s reclassification of Independent Contractors as employees, the careers of 4.5 million Independent Contractors and entrepreneurs were destroyed – despite a rescue plan of numerous carve-outs.

    All the destruction that AB5 has inflicted on the Golden State can now spread its tentacles nationwide to affect 72+ million Independent Contractors. That's almost 45% of the U.S. workforce, according to MBO Partners. Freelancers in over 600 different fields will be fair game -- everyone from CPA’s, caregivers, hair stylists, landscapers, physical therapists and translators, to graphic artists, writers of all stripes, real estate appraisers, dental hygienists, truckers, musicians, and bookkeepers. To name a few.

    Bluntly put, our business is none of the USDOL’s business. What have we IC’s done to deserve this? Absolutely nothing. In fact...

    • According to the Pew Research Center, the majority of self-employed workers (62%) say they are extremely or very satisfied with their job, compared to (51%) those who are not self-employed.
    • From Upwork: 74% of ICs say freelancing has given them greater control over their life, while other benefits include attention to their physical health and work-life balance.

    Given those stats, why are we being force-fed a “solution” for what was never a problem in the first place?

    Turns out, a groundswell of pushback is erupting: U.S. Representative Kevin Kiley (R-CA) and U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy (R- LA) will be using the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to attempt to repeal the rule. On January 16th,  Fight for Freelancers USA co-founders have filed the first suit against the USDOL. More suits are following. Ultimately, the rule will be catastrophic to the entire U.S. economy, no doubt necessitating SCOTUS involvement. But that doesn’t mean we can all sit back and hope for the best.

    Time is of the essence. The time to act is now. With the USDOL regulation ready to pounce on March 11, it is imperative we all voice our opposition to this deleterious rule by contacting our U.S. Congressional representatives. Tell your U.S. Rep and both your U.S. Senators to support Senator Cassidy’s and Rep. Kiley’s Congressional Review Act that will stop the USDOL rule in its tracks. You can even make it personal in how the rule would/could affect your business.

    Even if you’re not an Independent Contractor, you most likely work with or hire them, considering the hundreds of professions ICs represent. Do you really want your hard-earned tax dollars going towards the enforcement of rules that will wipe out millions of jobs and small businesses? 

    The clue here is in the name. Think “opposite.” Because there is nothing fair about the “Classification of Employees and Independent Contractors Under the Fair Labor Standards Act.” It is patently unfair. And downright un-American.

    -- Laura Stigler 

    P.S. Please plan to attend IWOC's Special Meeting on Tuesday, April 16, when Employment Attorney Lori Goldstein will be discussing the USDOL rule, how it can affect you and how you may be able to protect your business.

  • 27 Feb 2024 3:29 PM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)

    James T. Ardito, who blazed a shining trail as the co-founder and first president of Independent Writers of Chicago (IWOC), died on December 29 in Evanston.

    Ardito, 78, launched IWOC in 1981 for a creative group of mostly local, print-media independent writers. It would grow and develop over the years into what it is today, still standing tall as other local, professional writers groups have withered away and died in today’s difficult environment.

     As a writer, Ardito presented himself in a well-earned confident manner as one who would generate original copy or advertising that he guaranteed would “sell” the products and services of international corporations, as well as for other more modest endeavors.

    Ardito offered to write blogs, brochures, E-marketing, newsletters, social media and web content, specializing in multiple areas of topical expertise —advertising (including radio and TV), food, health, medical, marketing and sales. He could also provide employee communications, brand strategies, videos and industrial training films. A man of many facets, to be sure.

    After serving as president and remaining many years as a member, Ardito allowed his membership to lapse. Much time had passed until 2017, when he attended “Life in the Freelance Lane,” an IWOC program presented at Evanston’s library by current president Laura Stigler and board member Jeff Steele.  

    Reigniting his passion for the organization he first established, Ardito immediately rejoined IWOC with new gusto and once again, brought his enthusiasm to IWOC’s Board of Directors on which he served from 2018 to 2019.

    In his profile, Ardito made sure to describe himself proudly as a professional writer who had served as IWOC’s “Charter” President. “What a joy to see it survive and thrive for decades,” he said.

    An obituary posted Jan. 1 at pointed out that Ardito had been born in Hamden, Connecticut, earned his B.A. from Franklin Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and then earned his Master's degree in advertising at Michigan State University.

    “If it had anything to do with selling, he could—and did—write it,” the obit noted. “Jimmy told stories, all kinds of stories, scary stories around camp fires for his kids, funny stories for his nationally syndicated column.” 

    "Funny" followed Jim everywhere: He loved looking at life through a humorous prism.

    Jim resided most recently in Skokie, Ill., and is survived by his wife Merry Juell, two grown children, Sam and Zoe, and a brother and sister.

    No details were mentioned regarding a memorial service, except to say that a “celebration of life” would take place at a later date.

    -- Tom Lanning

    Editor's Note: Here is link to a funny 2019 Stet article Jim Ardito wrote on rejection letters. Note that he also pays homage to his Italian heritage by including a recipe for Lobster Fra Diavolo (the instructions are not for the squeamish). 


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