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Year in Review: Reflections on 2023-24...and Ahead | President's Post by Laura Stigler

31 Aug 2024 4:32 PM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)

Well that went fast! So fast, in fact, that it would behoove us to sit back and reflect on it a bit – just to remind us of what IWOC has been up to in the last year...and what lays ahead. Please join me in first looking into the rearview mirror – just to refresh our memories of the good times that were had by all.

2023-24 IWOC Programs 

They did it again...

Challenging as it may have been – and always is when it comes to mining for programs and speakers that would capture the interest of IWOC members and friends of IWOC, once again the Program Committee of Betsy Storm, Jay Schwarz and Jeff Steele (with contributions from other IWOC-ers) has jam-packed the year serving up the following. Anyone who came and saw, came out wiser businesspeople and savvier self-marketers, loaded with ideas about adding more “value added” aspects to their writing services. 


  • IWOC’S Ever-popular Annual Writers’ Roundtable, where everyone gets their say. (This is the only program notrecorded, so all participants can speak freely.)
  • Meet Special Guest Hedy Weiss: The renowned theater and dance critic pulled back the curtain to reveal the thrills and challenges that come with that enviable job. She also gave us a peek at her career as a professional dancer before she leapt over the footlights and into the audience to become one of the keenest observers of the theater and dance world. 
  • Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Monetize Your Book(s) via Audiobooks:  Audiobooks expert Kevin Theis spelled out the many avenues for writers to turn their current, printed work into easy-to-download audio projects, sometimes at a cost and sometimes not.
  • Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Explained: Friesen Press publishing consultant Christoph Koniczek outlined the ways in which self-publishing differs from traditional publishing, and how the unrestricted nature of the latter path might align better with your publishing needs.
  • AI for Writers: What You Need to Know: Many of the questions plaguing writers about how AI will affect them were answered by prolific book author, journalist, guest lecturer and regular contributor to high-tech magazines, Carol J. Amato – an AI aficionado.
  • Current Legal Issues Concerning Freelance Writers: Presented by attorney Steven Baron of Lawyers for the Creative Arts, Mr. Baron covered such topics as copyright law, plagiarism, attribution and more.
  • Suburban Bigamy author Michael Zimmerman Shares Memoir Secrets: Mr. Zimmerman spoke not only about his heart-wrenching personal story, but offered his take on the best ways to tackle a writing form that is often a challenging, emotional, yet ultimately rewarding journey. 
  • Special meeting: How the USDOL Rule Can Affect You:  Of Lawyers for the Creative Arts, Illinois Super Lawyer Lori Goldstein helped us wrap our heads around the recently enacted “Classification of Independent Contractors and Employees Under the Fair Labor Standards Act," a rule that can affect the way 72+ million Independent Contractors (including writers of all stripes) work and live. And that can impact 45% of the U.S. economy.
  • Video Scriptwriting: Give it a Shot:  Ace video scriptwriter / producer / narrator Greg King entertainingly talked about the how-tos of writing video scripts. He also regaled us with stories of what went on behind the scenes in shooting some of his favorites.
  • LinkedIn Success Secrets: “LinkedIn Whisperer” Mary Wu, treated us with solid, actionable guidance on how to polish your LI profile, enhance your network, and improve the quality of your online interactions.
  • Missed any of the above? No problem. Download the podcasts (except for the Roundtable one) on our Member Resources page to benefit from the info- and advice-packed gems. 

    Got ideas for writing- or business-related programs? Contact the Program Committee. We welcome them all! 

    2023-24 IWOC Parties

    Keep a bunch of freelance writers cooped up in their lairs all year and when given the chance, they come out to play in full force. As is our tradition, last year we gave everyone three chances to let loose and party like it’s – well, 2023. At December’s Holiday Party, we let it all hang out at hands-down fave Star of Siam. For our perennial August Greektown bacchanal, we opa’d at scenic Athena. And to welcome the Spring Equinox, we dove into delectable appies, BBQ ribs, chicken and veggie kabobs at the Weber Grill. Fab-u-licious.

    Events of Interest

    IWOC wasn’t the only one who put on must-see programs. We also passed the word to IWOC members about these world class events:

  • American Writers Festival at the American Writers Museum and Harold Washington Library Center
  • Chicago Freelance Business Workshop presented by the Institute for Independent Journalists
  • 2023 Writer’s Workshop hosted by IWPA’s (Illinois Woman’s Press Association)
  • 6th Annual StoryStudio Writers Festival
  • Television writer/producer Patty Lin discussed her book, “End Credits: How I Broke Up with Hollywood” at the American Writers Museum
  • Share Your Story on Jacqui Just Chatters podcasts, offered several times throughout the year
  • Award winning writer Mark S. King and community leaders representing Chicago’s HIV and LGBTQIA+ communities read passages from Mark’s recently published book, My Fabulous Disease: Chronicles of a Gay Survivor and shared personal reflections. 

  • Promoting our members

    We’re always telling members to come blow your horn. Or we’ll blow it for them. And so we did...

  • Two States of Single: Essays on Family, Love and Living Solo, a 2020 book by IWOC member Julie A. Jacob, was accorded a glowing assessment by reviewer Victoria Lynn Smith. 
  • Heather Kenny landed the plum assignment of writing a monthly column about style for The Midst, a new online publication for women in their 40s and 50s. Fun reading that's really relatable.
  • And as we do every year, IWOC participated in the 2023 Printers Row LitFest, displaying and selling our author members’ books at our table while talking to thousands of passers-by on the virtues of IWOC and how we help freelance writers succeed in their careers. (Volunteer to help staff the table and join the fun at this year’s LitFest on the weekend of September 7 & 8. Contact organizer Joseph Wycoff.)

Reflections on the future

While it was indeed an excellent year and IWOC has had a wonderful 40+ year run, it’s no secret that the times they are a-changing. Due to the many factors that I covered in last month’s President’s Post, IWOC will begin the complex process of merging* with the Writers & Publishers Network / Independent Writers of Southern California coalition. But we’re not going away any time real soon. Until that merger is complete – which could take around 9 months, we’ll still be planning programs and parties to educate and entertain all our members and subscribers, starting with our September 10 ever-popular Writers' Roundtable. Hope to see you there!

Don’t forget: On September 10, we’ll be holding elections on the 2024-25 Board of Directors slate AND a membership vote on the merger. Mark it down and please attend!

-- Laura Stigler

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332 S. Michigan Avenue, #121–W686
Chicago, IL 60604-4434

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