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IWOC OFFERS THAT???, PART 4, President’s Post by Laura Stigler

01 Jun 2018 10:10 AM | Anonymous

I was just about to don my Tour Guide cap, hop on our IWOC tour bus and take you around to explore more of IWOC’s inner sanctum. But in searching for points of interest on the Members Resource page, I came upon a most fascinating artifact. Or rather, article. It was written by...wait for it...yours truly. And it actually made sense! Veteran or rookie, I thought you might get something out of it. So I’m posting it here and taking a much needed Tour Busman’s holiday.

Any “advice bites” you’d like to add? Do leave a comment!

Top Ten Freelance Advice Bites
  1. GET TRAINED. If you’re considering going freelance, it’s advisable to get at least a year of experience in a full-time job. You’ll hone your skills, learn the way the biz works, etc. Nobody baby-sits freelancers. You’re expected to hit the ground running.
  2. ASK STUPID QUESTIONS. It’s okay. Freelancers are often new to a project or business that the staff is intimately familiar with. Clients understand this and are happy to explain the basics. It shows your genuine interest in their business and concern for getting it right. 
  3. OWN THE BIZ. Be as excited about the client’s business as if it were your own. There's intrinsic drama in just about everything. They make thingamajigs? Hey, thingamajigs rock!
  4. PROVIDE ADDED VALUE – in other words, more than the client bargained for.
  5. SAY “YES” TO MORE WORK. When you’re overloaded, say “yes” to a new project anyway. Deadlines are usually staggered and often you have more time than you realized. Perform triage – tend to the “emergencies” first.
  6. SAY “YES” TO THE UNKNOWN. Sometimes you can be asked to do a type of assignment or work on a subject you’ve never dealt with before. And may be a bit apprehensive about accepting it. Jump in. You’ll surprise yourself at what you can do, and it will add to the diversity of your portfolio.
  7. WHEN TO SAY “NO.” Don’t hesitate to turn down work if: a) It’s not at all in your wheelhouse. b) You’d be miserable working on it. c) It goes against your deep-seated beliefs. Why torture yourself? Freelance should be fun! Also, d) If it’s way below your pay grade. Know your worth. Have some self-respect!
  8. YOUR ONE AND ONLY. Treat every client like that. Don’t act as if you have “more important” assignments to work on. Every client should be made to feel special.
  9. ZIP THE LIPS. Never talk to Client A about Client B. Client A will think you talk about them, as well. And unless asked, don’t talk about your successes with other clients. They’d much prefer to hear how you’ll help them succeed.
  10. LISTEN. You’ll impress clients more by letting them do most of the talking.

- Laura Stigler

(Members can comment by clicking on the vertical dots next to the headline.)


  • 02 Jun 2018 10:43 AM | Anonymous
    I really like #6 - at first I was thinking "I don't do that kind of writing" Then I thought, hmmm if it doesn't make me miserable, I'm adding value and am enjoying doing it, why not do that kind of writing? The library is a great resources to brush up on your skills too. Someone's written a book on how to do just about anything, all you have to do is find it.

    Great list, this is all so doable for those that want to do it.
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    • 07 Jun 2018 5:59 AM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)
      Thank you, Alicia. It's true. One never knows until they try!
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  • 08 Jun 2018 3:44 PM | Sharon Riley
    Comments 5 & 6 truly touched me. I got an IWOC Emergency Job posting email from Laura. Well, I sent an email to the contact, and a text to my brother in Naperville, that he would have to pick me up from the train. I wanted to send a text or call the contact, but the instructions said EMAIL preferred. I waited and waited but then 25 minutes later, the contact emailed me back and said the assignment was almost over for today and that she would keep me in mind for future assignments! Thank you IWOC.
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    • 14 Jun 2018 8:37 PM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)
      Thank you, Sharon. #'s 5 & 6 happen to be my favorites! As for the Naperville job, for most all of the postings we get, the response time isn't that urgent. This was most unusual. But there will be other opportunities, to be sure. Keep an eye out! And continue to follow up with the woman you spoke to. "Squeaky wheel..."
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