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2019-20: Starting Fresh, President’s Post by Laura Stigler

30 Sep 2019 5:55 PM | Anonymous

What’s the deal with Autumn? As far as equinoxes go, Spring is lovely, to be sure. But Autumn! There’s something about the season that stirs up pangs of nostalgia. In a good way. Maybe it’s the heady memory of those spanking new school supplies, redolent with the promise of fresh starts. Ahh, I loved the smell of library paste in the morning! (FLASHBACK HARP SFX) Alright now, boys and girls. Settle down, settle down. Take your seats. As we are about to start the coming year afresh, I want you to write a short essay -- (groan!) – Oh, very well then. Make it a Wish List of what you would like IWOC to offer or accomplish in 2019-20. (Yayyyy!!!) .

Here are my wishes, combined with ones told to me by fellow IWOC’ers, that may inspire wishes of your own:

  • More business outreach. Among businesses big and small, increasing awareness of IWOC as the go-to resource when in need of professional writers has been on the docket for awhile. But it takes volunteers to put that wish into action. Happily, a committee is being formed to do just that. If you’d like to help out in this important endeavor – one that can have the added perk of putting you in connection with businesses that may hire you – raise your hand. Excellent! Contact Tephra Miriam. You’ll be welcomed aboard.
  • Job Fair. Upon establishing relationships with more businesses, our wish is to be able to arrange a Job Fair where you can meet, greet and impress decision-makers who hire.
  • Author Book Fair. Wouldn’t it be fun to hold a Book Fair where IWOC authors can sell their works? Maybe we open it up to other writers organizations whose author members could pay a nominal fee to IWOC for the opportunity to sell their books. For authors and IWOC, it could be a win-win all around.
  • More Mixers. Always great networking opportunities. One is in the works with the Chicago Creative Coalition, whose members run the gamut in the communications arts professions, from graphic artists, website designers and photogs to interior designers, pre-press technicians and more. Who knows? It may lead to a business collaboration!
  • Read Your Works. Could be a panel formed for one of our monthly programs, or even arranged as a special event! Whatever the work may be -- an excerpt from your book or play. A blog entry you’re particularly proud of. An informative article, entertaining ad or radio spot. A heartfelt poem or song. Share it and let’s hear it.

Those are just some of the wishes swirling around like autumn leaves. Tell me all about yours and they will be included for discussion in our October 8 Board meeting as we plan for 2019-20. Deadline: October 7.

New pencils sharpened? Start!

- Laura Stigler

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