Independent Writers of Chicago
Like those charming monkeys in the zoo, I’d like to throw something at you. Not to worry, though. I’m merely talking about a few questions that will help us figure out how exactly IWOC should move forward as we swing into 2019.
Do we continue on the trajectory we’ve been moving, ever adding new features, new benefits, new programs, etc.? Or do we evolve into another direction entirely? After much head (and side) scratching, we of the Board of Directors thought why not get feedback from the ones who matter most: You!
Whether you’re a member, a former member, or haven’t yet made the leap to join, we want to hear from you. So very shortly, a Survey Monkey will be comin’ atcha, bearing only two questions. All responses will be anonymous. That way, Monkey can say whatever Monkey like. Without fear of having to fend off any banana projectiles.
Thank you in advance for taking a moment to answer. Until then, wishing you all a very Productive, Healthy and Hoo-Ha-Hoo-Ha-Happy New Year!
- Laura Stigler
(Members can comment by clicking on the vertical dots next to the headline.)
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