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IWOC Wants (Needs) You! | President's Post by Laura Stigler

31 Jul 2022 9:42 PM | Laura Stigler (Administrator)

Believe it or not, IWOC isn't secretly run by a chipper group of hamsters scurrying on a treadmill. It actually takes people to keep this beloved organization going – people! Wait, don’t turn away! It’s not hard work, really. And the more people who volunteer, the easier it is for everyone. Not to mention the more beneficial to IWOC (and you). So I’ve three quick ways members can get involved.

1)  TO MEMBERS: Please! Nominate a candidate for the Board of Directors. Submit names to the Nominating Committee, by Tuesday, August 30. Who would you like to see on the Board of Directors? Among IWOC members, whose ideas, creativity, energy, street smarts and just all-around get-along personality do you believe would serve IWOC well? If you know someone, do tell. And if that name happens to be yours, that would be the best of all! 

2)  Run for the Board of Directors. Serving on the Board is not the time-consuming drudgery one fears. It is fun. The time commitment is nominal. Just one 1-hour meeting a month. Plus, you’ve got the bully pulpit for presenting your ideas, bringing them to fruition, and creating the IWOC “of your dreams” – which could help your own career as well as those of your fellow IWOC’ers. To qualify as a candidate, first, you must be an IWOC member. Having been a member for at least one year is preferred, but not required. Appreciating the value in IWOC and having the desire and viable ideas to make it even better are what matter most.


3)  Come join a Committee.  Maybe this would be more up your alley. Choose a Committee that jibes with your interests, skills or desires. There’s one for Membership, Programming, Public Relations, Social Media, Stet Blog, the Website...or form a new Committee altogether. It’s amazing how simply getting involved in this way can boost your confidence, your enjoyment level – and your cachet on your resumé.

We all have a stake in this organization. There is a reason you joined IWOC (or may want to), whether it’s to get more work, learn more about the business and craft of writing, find networking ops, or venture out of your writer’s lair to meet new like-minded friends. But keeping IWOC beneficial, relevant, and vibrant doesn’t happen by magic. (Or hamsters.) It needs members getting involved. Please do.

If you’ve questions about any of the above, please contact me at 

Not a member? Become one! And start taking advantage of all the benefits that members enjoy.

-- Laura Stigler

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