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Time Management Tips for the Freelance Writing Life (Con't from Page 1.)

Laurel JohnsonBetsy_StormTo get started, the speakers set a timer and asked the audience to list some of the things that get in the way of getting work done. The list included: checking emails, walking the dog and feeding the cat, unexpected requests for revisions, chores, internet headlines, “research,” sports, “magical thinking” (i.e., that ‘everything’ can be done in half an hour).Life is going to happen and we need to be realistic – not all things can be fixed. However, if we can find 10 minutes at day of “extra” time, we gain 60 hours a year. In that “extra” time, we could: cold call, create and write a blog, update or leverage our social media profiles, pitches, build or update our websites, and update marketing. Time management is the key.

Time management starts with focusing on your goals: the big, important ones. Make that happen by designing your day to achieve them. Start working at about the same time every day. Even though you are a freelancer, you need to have a schedule. Get one item on your to-do list done and out of the way. It will help your productivity and motivate you.

Then, pick the most important project and tune out the rest of the world to focus on it. There are some distractions you cannot ignore, but create a VIP list. Only talk to, e-mail, or text those on your VIP list and only if necessary. There will be time to check in with the rest of the world later.

If there are distractions, deal with them quickly and efficiently and then regain focus. Once you have worked for several hours, take a break. You need to stretch, hydrate, and check in with the rest of the world.

Time management is not beyond our reach. Having goals and keeping focused are two of the keys. We can take our life and life’s work to the next level with these skills. To get the most out of the presentation, take some check-in time and explore it on the IWOC website.

Cynthia Tomusiak

Hear Podcast 

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